To ensure the missions of IRSEM, researchers regularly travel abroad for fieldwork or conferences. IRSEM's international development also involves partnerships with institutes around the world and projects of international scope.


Associate researchers and visiting fellowships:

An Associate Researcher is a researcher who is not a member of the IRSEM staff, but who is
regularly involved in the scientific activities of one of our six research units

Associate researcher form


A Visiting fellow is a researcher who is not a member of the IRSEM staff, but who is
integrated into one of our six research units for a fixed period of time

Visiting fellowship form

Our international partnerships:

IDSA India Logo

In 2022, IRSEM has established a formal partnership with the Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (MP-IDSA), its Indian counterpart.

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Since 2022, IRSEM has established a partnership with the International Academy for Combating Terrorism (AILCT) in Ivory Coast.

The objective of this agreement is to contribute to the development of the Strategic Research Institute (SRI) of the AILCT and to foster cooperation between the two institutes, in particular by establishing academic and scientific links in areas of common interest through publications and events, and exchanges of researchers.

Since 2022, IRSEM has had a partnership with the College of International Security Affairs (CISA) de la National Defense University (NDU), at the Washington DC.

This agreement aims to strengthen the already existing cooperation between the two institutes by establishing academic and scientific links in areas of common interest through publications, events, or exchanges of researchers.

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IRSEM has a partnership with the NATO Defense College in Romewith which two international conferences are organized each year.


NIDS Japon

Since 2017, IRSEM has established a partnership with the Japanese National Institute for Defense Studies (NIDS), which has set up a researcher exchange agreement, but also joint publications.


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Built in partnership with the Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies (IERES) at George Washington University, and with the support of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) and the Institut de recherche stratégique de l’École militaire (IRSEM), CORUSCANT is the European branch of the Russia Program. It is hosted by the French Institute of Geopolitics (IFG) and was founded by Maxime Audinet, Julie Deschepper, Clémentine Fauconnier, and Kevin Limonier. CORUSCANT aims to redefine how knowledge about contemporary Russia is produced in the face of the multiple and disastrous consequences of its large-scale invasion of Ukraine. More information here:


Our International Projects

In 2022, IRSEM launched its influence program Paris Defence Young LeadersThe Young Leaders program aims to create a network of young personalities of the future, to make them aware of the French vision of defense issues, to encourage dialogue between representatives of various countries and institutions on these issues, and to establish a spirit of "promotion" to allow exchanges. In 2022, the class was composed of European personalities, between 28 and 40 years old, from very different backgrounds.


In 2021, IRSEM proposed to several European partners to create the Network of European Strategic Studies Institutions (NESSI), which currently gathers 17 European strategic research institutes closely linked or belonging to the defense institutions of their countries. Within the framework of NESSI, whose presidency rotates every year, these institutes are exchanging and cooperating on strategic issues on a regular basis.

Members of NESSI : 

National Defense Academy (NDC Austria), Centre for Security and Military Strategic Studies (CSMSS Czech Republic), Royal Danish Defence College  (RDDC Denmark), International Centre for Defence and Security  (ICDS Estonia), Institut de Recherche Stratégique de l’École Militaire (IRSEM France), German Institute for Defence and Strategic Studies (GIDS Germany), Institute for Strategic and Defense Studies (ISDS Hungary), Istituto di Ricerca e Analisi della Difesa  (IRAD Italy), Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies (IFS Norway), The Polish Institute of International Affairs (PIISM Poland), Instituto da Defesa Nacional (IDN Portugal), Institute for Political Studies of Defence and Military History (IPSDMH Romania), Instituto Espanol de Estudios Estrategicos (IEEE Spain), Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut (FOI Sweden), Military Academy at ETH (Switzerland), Development Concepts and Doctrine Centre (DCDC United Kingdom), General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania (Lituanie)