Military relations between China and South America: Converging interests?

Tuesday 12 March 2024


Tuesday, March 12, 2024 2:30 pm - 4 pm

Ecole militaire - Room 145 (Bat.33)





Exchanges between the People's Liberation Army (PLA) and their Latin American counterparts have developed in recent years with a growing number of countries in Latin America, alongside economic exchanges. These interactions cover a wide range of activities, from free military assistance to exchanges and training of military personnel. If these exchanges have gone relatively unnoticed, their analysis has been subject to several pitfalls. Chinese arms transfers to the region have been the main indicator of the evolution of political-military relations. The motivations of Latin American authorities behind the institutionalization of military relations constitute a blind spot in the literature. Several internal factors (the political system, organization and influence of the region's armed forces) influence the development of military relations between China and Latin America. We will analyze them in the specific cases of Argentina and Chile.

Speaker: Iris Marjolet, INALCO doctoral student

Iris Marjolet is a doctoral student in political science at the Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales (INALCO). She is in the final year of her PhD under the supervision of Prof. Jean-François Huchet and Prof. Jean-Vincent Holeindre. Her thesis focuses on contemporary Chinese military diplomacy in Latin America, and was supported by the French Ministry of Defence's DGRIS and IRSEM.


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